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Dhaka Bank Ltd - MTO - 10.07.2009 ||

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Mudaraba Term Deposit Account
Mudaraba Special Notice Account
Mudaraba Hajj Savings Account
All of these
None of these
Mother of Universe
Memorandum of Understanding
Multi Occulation Unity
Mohila Odhikar Unnayan
None of these
A global insurance system
A security system for war time
A global fund transfer system
A professional banker's school
None of these
expand domestic production and sales
increase import
lower domestic consumer price
raise foreign consumer price
None of these
Assigns a numerical rating to banks
Ranks camels according to their quality
Ranks camels according to their price
Allows banks to operate in a developing country
None of these
There's somebody in the other office. It must be my boss!
You mustn't gossip here!
I must hurry or I will miss the train!
This is impossible! You must be wrong!
None of these
I had this dream since I was a child.
I've been riding horse since 1988.
I know Rajshahi to be a peaceful town since I stayed there for a few months.
It has been raining since morning
None of these
While the machines are working, let's have some coffee.
I usually take a shower while my mom is preparing breakfast.
My dad is a dreamer, while my mom is too realistic.
All of these
None of these
I've drug addiction, but I don't anymore.
I used to take drugs, but not anymore.
I drug addict, but I don't anymore.
I take drugs, but I don't anymore.
None of these
Many people have computer phobia, that generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, which generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, what generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, and generates more unemployment.
None of these
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